Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Cleopatra- Portrait of A Killer

Let's first start our journey by viewing this 6 part series. Here's part one. Go to You Tube to view the rest.

Cleopatra Murderer or Monster?

Now you viewed this BBC series. Let's think about a few things,

They pointed out how Cleopatra ordered younger sister,  Arsinoe IV murdered on the steps of the Artimsian. Supposedly to get rid of her last rival. It was a dirty filthy bloody murder carried out by her lover Mark Anthony. But was this her only reason to be rid of her???

Arsinoe wielded much support from the Egyptian people because she was half Egyptian herself. Unlike Cleopatra who was full Macedonian. Also on a spiritual level, Arsinoe IV was considered the the earthly incarnation of their beloved ancestor Arsinoe II who bought beauty and prosperity to Egypt with the help of her brother Ptolemy II. She even took on her previous symbology when she took the throne from Cleopatra for a short time, but this time around she upgraded the crown to the Triple Ureaus. and held the cornucopia in her left hand. This some rather blind experts are now trying to attribute these statues to Cleo, but has no cartouches or anything to support their assumptions.

If you will see below the statue in question. This is clearly of a young royal. Of the age when Arsinoe took control. This bears no resemblance to any known and verified images of Cleopatra VII.

This young Queen along with her brother Ptolemy XIII held off the forces of Caesar who was invading Alexandria to put his concubine, Cleopatra back in power. She was selling out all of which the Ptolemy Dynasty had put together in their 300 years ruling Egypt to Rome.

As the series said the 'war' went Caesar's way and Ptolemy drowned trying to escape across the Nile and Arsinoe was captured and was taken back to Rome to be displayed, then executed in Caesar's Triumph. Unfortunately for Cleopatra, the crowed didn't think much of strangling a child and turned on Caesar and he was forced to settle for a mere banishment. This didn't sit well with Cleo, but there was nothing she could do.....At the time.

So Arsinoe was sent to the sanctuary of the Artimisian Temple in Ephesus and spend the next several years in their care and protection.

In the mean time shortly after Caesar gave Arsinoe clemency, he was stabbed to death on the steps of the senate. By then Cleopatra had given birth to their son, Caesarion. A card she was to play to win the game of becoming Empress of Rome along with Caesar. But their son wasn't enough of an ACE to win.....In fact, much to her consternation, Caesar made Octavian his heir, NOT their son. Nor would he leave his wife.

With Caesar gone, she then took up with Mark Anthony and filled his head with all sorts of delusions of becoming Emperor. He believed her and did anything she wanted........Including murdering Arsinoe.

The series seemed to be remiss on exactly how she died......She was stabbed to death on the Temple Steps.
It was very much a scandal to violate the rule of sanctuary. But Cleopatra wanted not only revenge but power.
Arsinoe was literally a virgin blood sacrifice. And to prove that Arsinoe was gone Cleopatra made a special request.........She wanted her head brought to her.

Cleopatra as a child had watched her sister Bernice beheaded by her father when he got back from exile, from that point on, the darkness and madness had grown within her.This was the example of  how things were handled by her family and years later she would employ this on Arsinoe.

My title accuses Cleopatra of being a Monster..................She was very good at getting things done, behind the scenes. So her hands would stay clean. So she could get what she wanted. I venture to guess maybe more than one murder was on her hands...........Caesar stabbed to death on the Senate Steps.......Arsinoe stabbed to death on the Temple Steps......A coincidence???? Maybe not. He didn't do what she wanted.

When Mark Anthony proved to be a hopeless drunken incompetent, she abandoned him at Actium. He escaped Octavian and came running back to Alexandria. It was said that she had him told she had killed herself.....And out of sorrow that he fell on his sword....Another bloody gutting.........Sound familiar? Wouldn't it be funny if someone did it for him......Not much a tragic love story that has told over the millenniums. But a sad pile of crap to cover up that the last Pharaoh was an insane manipulative ruler who did anything to get what she wanted.

They say Cleopatra committed suicide out of  fear of what Octavian would do to her back in Rome. Did she fear that he had come to know that she was behind his adopted fathers death? Was there other fears that drove her to do herself in? OR did she even take her own life as historians have reported?  Who knows............Maybe she didn't kill herself after all. She was said to die from he bite of an Asp.
Arsinoe IV was the reincarnation of Arsinoe II. After Arsinoe II died her brother had made a huge mystery cult in her name, replete with sacrifices. The cult was based on Persephone and Hades. This power/energy carried on to her next incarnation as Arsinoe IV.......Both had the symbol of the royal cobras.........And the true murderer, of many,  ended up dying by the bite of a snake.......Not as a suicide but as a bit of revenge from the beyond the grave.... The handmaidens, Charmion and Iras lay dying by their queen. Three women,.....one asp? Or was it one for each. Could be it was a 'triple' play courtesy of the spirit of Arsinoe.

Deadly Discoveries

Man likes to dig things up, but sometimes the things they find are not all that they seem. I came into possession of a bit of antiquity years back. A beautiful ring that bears the symbol that appears on various ancient pieces of Egyptian antiquities.

One is what I call the stele of sacrifice. It's of  Ptolemy II giving sacrifice to his sister Arsinoe II over the symbol.

Next is a recent discovery by Dr. Zahi Hawass, a statue of a child...unnamed, But found in the palace of Queen Bernice, wife of Ptolemy III. A rather creepy looking child in my opinion, with the same symbol on her chest.

The Blood of The Gods

Ptolemy I Sotor...The Savior....Usual linage is attributed to the man who raised him, Lagus, but in actaulity his mother, another Arsinoe, was the concubine of  Philip II of Macedon. She was given to Lagus all ready pregnant. Who was Philip? The father of Alexander the Great. This means Ptolemy was Alexander's half brother. This means that the bloodline of Alexander coursed in the bloodline of the Ptolemies.

This explains why with Ptolemy I's children, Ptolemy II and Arsinoe II, created all that Egypt was remembered. They considered themselves in the bloodline of the gods. They feverishly created monuments in their lifetime. They even renamed the gods themsleves to what everyone now calls them. Arsinoe did this one herself. Isis was her version of the ancient name of Aset, amd Anubis was what Anapu was now called......Much more pleasing to the ear. But what happened with the god of darkness? Sutekh was renamed Set. Not much of a name or was it actually what she called him? Maybe not. That is a secret that lies with Arsinoe.

This secret went with her when she died. She never even told her brother the proper name of Set. A calculated move, for sure. Set was the heart of a warrior, force of raw power. Even a protector. But only to those who knew his name.

Intrigue and murder was the way of the day. Arsinoe felt, though all seemed fine between brother and sister, that anything could change at the snap of a finger. She died at age 44. Young for a Ptolemy. Usually the line was long lived. But there was health problems that plagued her as well as her brother....The later generations started to kill each other off  because of of a madness born of inbreeding. that had not touched the first two generations. The downhill slide started with Ptolemy III. He was the son of the first wife of  Ptolemy II, Arsinoe I, a daughter of a king of a foreign land. She was found plotting against her husband and was sent away disgraced. Later on to give his children by her a legitamacy in the Alexandrian bloodline, after his sister died, he postumously had them adopted by her. Odd but for a reason. But still the taint of their real mother's sins of betrayal stained the later generations.

The Death of Arsinoe

Let's now look at the crime scene on the temple steps. The murderer, Mark Anthony, whom I believe did the crime himself and did not have a soldier do it, went to the Artimisian under the guise of wanting to make peace with Arsinoe on behalf of her sister and even said she was waiting outside to talk to her. Wanting the war of the sisters to end, she believed Mark Anthony and followed him out of the temple compound. Once on the steps he turned to her and brought out a concealed dagger and stabbed her repeatedly......She collapsed on the steps and her royal blood stained them and the hands of her assassin. Then as requested he drew up her head and used the same instrument to decapitate her.

One has to wonder was Arsinoe even dead at this point, since the act was being performed quickly as not to rouse the guards. Did he decapitate her while her spirit still clung to her earthly body?

Did her eyes open at any point? Did her lips speak a curse on him and her treachoris sister?

Looking back on the murder scene of Arsinoe..........After Mark Anthony stabbed her. She saw something in the shadows behind him as she started to drop to the ground.....A hooded figure of a woman...As she slumped down, the moon lit this face...It was the face of her sister.....eyes insanely shining as Arsinoe's blood stained the temple steps.

Mark Anthony may have stiffened his backbone with drink to kill Arsinoe but his soul could not be salvaged when Cleopatra ordered him to decapitate her.

This heinous act would be remembered forever by Arsinoe and the Curse on the two who did this would live on to the end of time.

Head Long Journey Into Night

So what became of Arsinoe's head?

The High Priest, Megabyzus, who had welcomed Arsinoe to the Artemision as Queen of Egypt, had been sentenced to death after Arsinoe's murder. Why was that? Cleopatra had been petitioned to commute the sentence and she magnanimously did so.Did he know something and threatened to make a heinous scandal even worse? He would have known of the desecration of Arsinoe's body by the beheading. Had he sought the return of her head so he could bury her in tact?

I believe her burial in the tomb at Ephesus didn't receive the head until after Cleopatra died. I further believe that when Octavian found his dead enemy he found her sisters head in a golden casket and returned it to the Artemision so the burial could be completed in the Tomb they had erected to her honor.

Millenniums later the tomb was opened and a detailed record was made and the body was returned. But the head seemed to have been kept for some reason and during WWII it became lost. I contended that with the occultic obsession of the Nazi's, that it was they who came into possession of it. When they fell who then would have an interest in Arsinoe's Skull? I say it was the next big collector of the arcane and occult objects, The Vatican.

I do not believe that Arsinoe's head is lost at all I think it sits somewhere within the walls of Vatican City.

And Then There Was None......

They say Ptolemy XIII under the advisement of people that should have known better had his head delivered to Caesar after he with a Roman traitor had him murdered. Could these advisers really had been in Cleo's camp and was purposely mis-advising the children to get her back in power. Could Cleo have been the grand puppet master in all the mayhem then? Pompey had been son in law to Caesar once, and as a Roman he would not find the desecration of one of their own by one whom them considered less than themselves anything but an affront. No one in their right mind would advise anyone to do this........But who ever said she was in her right mind.

So the story goes....Then there was Caesar. he didn't lose his head, but he didn't make his bastard son, Caesarion heir either. So on the Ides of March, he met his death. Though her hands were not bloodied, her soul was.........And she fled Rome the minute he died.

Let's not leave out her brother Ptolemy XIV. It was very doubtful that he died of natural causes. He survived the boat ride home but died soon after. At 15 years of age he would soon begin to assert his right to the throne and she just couldn't have that.

Then of course when Mark Anthony failed her.........She left him dead in the water at Actium. And maybe even dead by her own hand when he just wouldn't go away.....I mean after all at this point there wan't many left to carry out her wishes anymore.....Now was there?

Curses In Time

My aim for this blog is to stop the insipid veneration of a myth. Cleopatra's life was just a romantic bit of non sense purportraited by silly old men who never even met her. The real Cleopatra was far from what they imagined. She was just an egomaniacle opportunist who, like many before her, believed her own press. She believed in her own god like abilities, though there was no proof of it other than what she pretended in her own mind, was true.

Octavian had a glimpse of the truth of what was going on and what really happened that day Cleopatra died. But something scared him enough to cover up things and help with the myth that did not rightfully belong to this person...........The Last Pharaoh who destroyed Egypt.

I will be updating these stories within the original postings and re-dating them so the truth can be out there for those who are not fooled by historical absurdities.

~Arsinoe Sarione Ptolemy
  aka: ASP